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The Third Mission of John Francis Astle, Sr.
Central States Mission

As recorded in his journal
November 12, 1925 to May 27, 1926

November 12 - Having been called to take a short-term mission to the Central States Mission by Heber J. Grant, President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and as I will soon leave the Providence First Ward of the Logan Stake, there was a farewell party held in my honor the night of the 12th of this month. A large crowd and the spirit of the Lord prevailed. I surely had a pleasant time and feel that I am honored to be called the third time to go in the world to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

November 15 - This being Sunday, I was asked to speak in Sunday School, also in Sacrament meeting at 2 p.m., speaking on the principle of love.
At night, 8:00 p.m. being invited to the Providence Second Ward to speak and bare testimony of the work of the Lord, which I did.
At 4:00 p.m. all of my sons and daughters, some of my brothers and sisters met at my home, had dinner, a time of rejoicing prior to my leaving for the Central States.

November 16 - This day I took my Buick Sedan car, sold to the Blair Auto Co. for $1,250.00 credit on a new Buick that I will get on my return from this mission.
I went to Salt Lake City, stayed with my brother, R.T.

November 17 - Went to the Church Office Building, arranged for ticket to Independence, Missouri, and was set apart for my mission by Apostle Orson F. Whitney.
He says, "Brother Astle, I bless you with the spirit of this mission from this very time. You shall go in peace and return in safety. You shall have, while traveling by rail, opportunity to bare your testimony and be asked many questions. Through the power of the Holy Ghost, you shall be able to answer them. I bless you with health, you shall be preserved from the powers of evil. You shall perform a labor that will renown for your good throughout eternity."
Returned to R.T. Astle. My sister, Sarah and her husband, A. A. Call visited us.

November 18 - This morning talked to Lehi and Sylvia, my brother and sister by my father's second wife. Encouraged them to be faithful.
Bought Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, Pearl of Great Price, combined, also briefcase.
At 4:30 p.m., D. and R. Railway Co. for Kansas City, Missouri, arriving there after two days and two nights. Took street car to Independence at 10:30 p.m., the 20th of November.

November 21 - The mission President Bennion was not there. Elder Lyman, mission secretary, appointed us to our conferences, seven of us, myself and Sunihal Hill of Idaho Falls was sent to Austin, Texas, the West Texas Conference.
We stopped in Fort Worth, Texas a few hours on Sunday the 21st, attended Sunday School and meeting.
At 8:40, we took train for Austin, arriving there early in the morning. After breakfast at restaurant, called at 311 1st East Street, found Elders and Afton W. Steiner.

November 24, 1925 - Went out two miles, took dinner with Mrs. Meller, a member of the church. Held cottage meeting at night with some of the Saints and investigators.

November 23, 1925 - Visited with Elders, went out at night, visited two families of Saints, stayed with Grandma Extrum.
Visited Saints with Elders, one meeting. Elders kept coming in for conference, four Elders from Mexican Mission.

Friday morning, 27th - Fifteen Elders met with President Bennion in Priesthood meeting. Reports was given which was not very good. President Bennion asked Elders to do better. A public meeting at 7:30 p.m., not many present.
Received our appointments. I was appointed to labor in the city of Austin with Elder Christenson, a young man. It is said to be the worst place to labor in the West Texas Conference.

Saturday, 28th - Spent most of day cleaning up room. Sunday went to Sunday School and Sacrament meeting, took dinner with Goldstein, held meeting on street. Paid one months room rent.

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